Saturday, March 22, 2014


Ding! Level 2 at Life. I've had one death so far, but I account that to my duty day. I should have hopped on the web and updated HabitRPG, but I didn't. Oops. But hey, moral of the story, this app is pretty darn cool. I don't know if it's necessarily helping me really get things done and form better habits, but it's fun to use and it kind of helps me stay organized. I have always been a list maker and graph lover, and this turns it all into a game.

Part of the reason I was so productive today is because I'll be heading out of town tomorrow at the buttcrack of 5 am. Semi Sad Face. I will miss home and everyone in it, but I am going off to the dark land of the Navy [read: 'Norfolk'] to learn about antennas and satellites. Fun Stuff. Aside from that I don't really have a whole lot to write about. I cleaned a lot, even though my back blew out again. I've been toying with Gabapentin, and it seems to be helping the nerve pain a bit... but of course, it's not designed to take on 'actual' pain, which I have a bit of as well. 

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